
Hasenpflug, Hasenplug (Hassenplug), Shafer (Shaffer), Buehler Descendants


James McClure Hassenplug

1 REMA Rev. John Lentz

James McClure Hassenplug

1 REMA Rev. John Lentz

Harry Seers Hassenplug

Hassenplug's Bar & Grill was located on North Front St. in Milton, Pa..It was next to the former First National Bank of Milton.

May B. Klose

1 REMA Rev.John Lentz

Harry Seers Hassenplug

Hassenplug's Bar & Grill was located on North Front St. in Milton, Pa..It was next to the former First National Bank of Milton.

Lulu K. Wolfe

1 REMA 619-346-5826

She has a book out titled "HASSENPLUG ON NURSING 1940-1990" availablefrom- The Hassenplug Project---- P.O.B.ox 36606------ Albuquerque, N.M.87176-6606. Price is unknown. Lulu was Woman od the Year for the City ofLos Angeles for 2 Years in a row. There is a Lulu K. Wolfe HassenplugNursing scholarship at the U.C.L.A. School of Nursing.

Troy Hassenplug

1 REMA World War II Vet. Sgt. in U.S.Army.

Robert Eugene Hassenplug

Robert owned and operated Hassenplug's Plumbing and Heating, which hisfather had started. He continued operating it until his retirement. Hewas a Sgt. in the U.S.Marine Corp in WWII.

Gretchen Verne Hassenplug

1 REMA 215-791-1967