1 REMA Rev. John Lentz
1 REMA Rev. John Lentz
Hassenplug's Bar & Grill was located on North Front St. in Milton, Pa..It was next to the former First National Bank of Milton.
1 REMA Rev.John Lentz
Hassenplug's Bar & Grill was located on North Front St. in Milton, Pa..It was next to the former First National Bank of Milton.
1 REMA 619-346-5826
She has a book out titled "HASSENPLUG ON NURSING 1940-1990" availablefrom- The Hassenplug Project---- P.O.B.ox 36606------ Albuquerque, N.M.87176-6606. Price is unknown. Lulu was Woman od the Year for the City ofLos Angeles for 2 Years in a row. There is a Lulu K. Wolfe HassenplugNursing scholarship at the U.C.L.A. School of Nursing.
1 REMA World War II Vet. Sgt. in U.S.Army.
Robert owned and operated Hassenplug's Plumbing and Heating, which hisfather had started. He continued operating it until his retirement. Hewas a Sgt. in the U.S.Marine Corp in WWII.
1 REMA 215-791-1967