
Hasenpflug, Hasenplug (Hassenplug), Shafer (Shaffer), Buehler Descendants


Levi Hassenplug

Levi lived in Mifflinburg until about 1837 then moved toChillicothe, Ross Co. Ohio. Here he and his brother William werebuggymakers. In 1848 Levi married Elizabeth Elnora Arrowsmith, theminister was Elijah Kuhn. Elizabeth parents were both dead by 1846 so sheand her older sister, Mary raised their younger brothers and sisters. The1st 7 children of Levi were born in Ohio, 4 more in Ill.
In 1863 Levi & Eliz. moved to McLean Co., Ill. where levi became afarmer. Henry Ellis wrote that "they spoilt a good blacksmith to make avery poor farmer". But he seems to have survived, raising 10 children.Other Arrowsmiths, relatives of Elizabeth, had settled in McLeanCo.--Arrowsmith Twsp. was named after them, so this is prob. why theysettled here.
In 1878 Levi took his family to Kansas--bought land in EminenceTwsp. Woodson Co. 12 miles west of Humboldt. Their possessions wereunloaded at Humboldt and lumber for their new home was hauled fromHumboldt. The farm was still owned by a grandson, Ira Alvin Hassenpflug,Jr., as of 1977. Except for a short time in Coyville, Kansas where thefamily operated a mill, Levi lived on the farm. Parts of the farm weregiven to David Allen, which went to George and later sold, and to Edward,who later sold.
Levi and Elizabeth are both buried in the Toronto Cemetery, WoodsonCounty, Kansas.

Barbara Ellen Hassenplug

Married by Rev. George Carpenter on 30 Dec. 1858 to George Barnhart.George was a blacksmith by trade. He was a deacon in the German ReformedChurch in Green Twsp.

Henry Edward Hassenplug

1 REMA Richland Center, Fulton, In

!BIR: 1841

9 OCT 1862: Fremont, Ohio

MAR: 1863 Listed as Freemont, OH on wife's pension application

County Clerk's Office, Book C-18, pg 59, Rochester (unknown reference)

1865 From Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood
County, OH; J.H.Beers & Co., 1897; pg 150;
" H.E. Hassenplug, C, 72, en. [enlisted?] Oct., '62, cap. [captured]June 11,
'64, near Ripley, m.o. [mustered out?] May, '65."
Maybe "Flavenpluy" in some records

DEA: 1912 Have copy of handwritten copy of certificate of death, Reg No417
Cause: Acute Dililation of Heart, from chronic weakness of heart muscle
Born: Dec 27, 1841, Union Co, PA; Wife: Ellen N. Hassenplug;
Father: Henry Hassenplug, born Germany; Mother: Polly Frock, born Germany;
Informant: M.O. King, address: City

BUR: South Germany Cemetery, 6 miles SW of Richlnd Center at 450N & 500W;
have picture of gravestone; " Henry E. DEC.27,1841-DEC.25,1912 ...Hassenplug"

DEA: In the 1860 census of Union Co. he was learning
the milling business in Buffalo Twsp.. He went to Ohio
in 1861 and later Henry moved to Indiana where he
became a framer.
From Hartman Family Bible, copywrite 1855. Last in
possession of George Hartman of Wyandott?, Mich.
on Sun July 18, 197?."Ellennoma (or Ellennama)
Hartman was born July 1st 1844.

Ellen Noma Hartman

1 REMA Richland Center, Fulton, In

!BIR: From Hartman Family Bible, copywrite 1855. Last in possession of
George Hartman of Wyandott?, Mich. on Sun July 18, 197?. "Ellennoma (or
Ellennama) Hartman was born July 1st 1844"
Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood Co, OH, 1897; pg1175
IGI bir Fiche 7718006/93

BUR: South Germany Cem. Have picture of gravestone; "Ellen N. July 1,1844 -
Nov. 21, 1920 [below] HASSENPLUG"

Names: Ellenoma, Ellen Noma, Ellen N.

Louis Beehler

Mabel's notes 1975
estimate birth 1866 from Father in law born 1841

Luella Hassenplug

BIR: estimated from 1880 census

CEN: 1880; 7 Jun; Louella age 12, born OH

boy Beehler

1 REMA Fulton, In

!BIR-DEA-BUR: Cemetery stone "Infant Son of LU & LE Beehler 14 Feb 1887"South
Germany Cemetery, 450N & 500W.