
Hasenpflug, Hasenplug (Hassenplug), Shafer (Shaffer), Buehler Descendants


John Henry Hasenplug

information from 1880 Pa. Census of Mercer County, West Salem (Twsp.?).
Walter sent me this information. Enumerated with John Henry and family isJacob Hasenplugh, Father of John, age 82 and born in Pa.--so this is theson of Johann Heinrich Hassenpflug.

George E. Hasenplug

George is buried in Brown Cemetery, Mercer Co., Pa.. It is about 1/2mile from the Ohio State Line somewhere around Maysville, Pa. Histombstone states that he was 43y 6m 9d. Margaret Seebold gave me thelisting.

Daniel Hasenplug

Daniel learned the shoemakers trade, began business in Pymatuning Twsp.in 1865, moving to Greenville in the spring of 1884. In January 1887 heopened a boot and shoe store. He served in the 58th Penna. Vol. for 3months, also in the 199th Penna. Vol. for 1 1/2 years, his regiment beingat Appomattox. He was a Republican, he married Sarah J. Mowry (Maurer?)-daughter of John (Maurer/Mowry) of Delaware Twsp.. They were of theEvangelical faith.
In the 1880 census of Mercer Co., Pymatuning (Twsp.) we find:
Hasenplug, Dan'l White Male age 37 born in Pa.
J. Sarah Wife age 34 born in Pa.
P. Lilly daughter age 10 born in Pa.
M Jennie daughter age 4 born in Pa.

Emma Hasenplug

information as given to Margaret Seebold by Jennie Hasenplug.

Twila Hasenplug

information as given to Margaret Seebold by Jennie Hasenplug. Twila issupposed to have died in her 20's.