Graduated from Bucknell Univ. where he met his 1st wife,Nancy Hetler.Nancy also graduated from Bucknell.
1 REMA Still single as of 19 March 1991.
Graduated from Bucknell Univ. where he met his 1st wife,Nancy Hetler.Nancy also graduated from Bucknell.
1 REMA Rev. E. Kieffer of New Berlin, Pa.
Isreal was a miller by trade. He learned it from his brother Charles. Heworked 54 years at the following mills: Rockey Mill, Globe Mills inSnyder Co., Pa. Reish Mill Near Forest Hill, Pa., Steam Mill, Cowan Mill,Edelman Mill. Isreal and Harriet are buried in the Mifflinburg Cemetery.
1 REMA He was from the Hartleton area
1 REMA Marriage date is 26 November 194?