
Hasenpflug, Hasenplug (Hassenplug), Shafer (Shaffer), Buehler Descendants


John Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr. son of JacobShafer, Sr
Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976
Birthdate estimated from son's birth minus 30 years.
Came to America in 1745.

Elihu Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion

Elizabeth Dawson

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion

Erastus Ervin

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr, Son of JacobShafer, Sr.
Compiled Charles E Shafer,1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976. p2
also Affidavit of Emma (Kreider) Shaffer, 15 Apr 1936

Rachel S Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion
and Affidavit of Emma (Kreider) Shafer, 15 Apr 1936, Marshall Co HistSoc, IN

Samuel Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion

Mary Dawson

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr, Son of JacobShafer, Sr.
Compiled Charles E Shafer,1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976.pp 13
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion, ca 1955


MAR: Affidavit of Emma (Kreider) Shaffer, 15 Apr 1936, located inMarshall Co
Historical Society files under Shaffer. Drawn up to clear up title onland.
Affidavit notes Polly Klingerman, sometimes spelled Clingerman orClingaman
along with other children of Jacob Shafer. Notes two surviving children,Jacob
and John Klingerman.

Polly Shafer

NAME: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976

MAR: Affidavit of Emma (Kreider) Shaffer, 15 Apr 1936, located inMarshall Co
Historical Society files under Shaffer. Drawn up to clear up title onland.
Affidavit notes Polly Klingerman, sometimes spelled Clingerman orClingaman
along with other children of Jacob Shafer. Notes two surviving children,Jacob
and John Klingerman.

Jacob Klingerman

BIR: Affidavit of Emma (Kreider) Shaffer, 15 Apr 1936, located inMarshall Co
Historical Society files under Shaffer. Drawn up to clear up title onland.
Affidavit notes Polly Klingerman, sometimes spelled Clingerman orClingaman
along with other children of Jacob Shafer. Notes two surviving children,Jacob
and John Klingerman.

John Klingerman

BIR: Affidavit of Emma (Kreider) Shaffer, 15 Apr 1936, located inMarshall Co
Historical Society files under Shaffer. Drawn up to clear up title onland.
Affidavit notes Polly Klingerman, sometimes spelled Clingerman orClingaman
along with other children of Jacob Shafer. Notes two surviving children,Jacob
and John Klingerman.

Henry Baum Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion

Catherine Secrist

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion

Willard Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr. son of JacobShafer, Sr
Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976

Abrigail Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr. son of JacobShafer, Sr
Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976

Joseph Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr, Son of JacobShafer, Sr.
Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion, ca 1955

Francis Secrist

BIR-MAR-DEA: From family copy of Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr.
Son of Jacob Shafer, Sr.; Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated byMrs.
Clarence E Shafer, 1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion

Charlie Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr, Son of JacobShafer, Sr.
Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion, ca 1955

Unnamed Shafer

BIR-MAR-DEA: Genealogy of family of Jacob Shafer, Jr, Son of JacobShafer, Sr.
Compiled by Charles E Shafer, 1945; Updated by Mrs. Clarence E Shafer,1976
and From History and Origin of the Shafer-Secrist Reunion, ca 1955

J B DeRemer

SOURCE: copy of newspaper clipping of son Charles F's weddingannouncement.

Harry Linzy

SOURCE: from father-in-law Martin V's obituary, and brother-in-law
Frederick's obituary.

Sarah Dallie Shafer

BIRTH: adopted

SOURCE: from adopted father Martin V's obituary.

Gerald Martin

BIR: Mom's Family Group Record, Leora SHAFFER Fiske, 1970

Eunice Rule

BIR-MAR: from sister-in-law Leora SHAFFER Fiske, July 1992